
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Market Continues to Goes Up?

Market continues to go up after Chinese New Year. I believe most of us are making handsome profit this year. All 'experts' started to talk about how much they make yesterday or last week.

There are many news going on to heat up certain counters price, including Puncak and NICORP. NICORP is the craziest one just like HARVEST did.

It's 1,562 on 10th Feb, it's only 30+ points from the peak of 1,595. I believe it's only time matter to break 1,600 now before the national election. So let's continue to make some money before knowing our country's fate.

Anyway, I've just bought 10 lots of TOMYPAK last week at RM1.01, as I see it is an undervalued gem and it has a lot of potential to go this year. Perhaps I will explain in detail why I like and bought it in my next post, if I have the time.


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